
Rank Math SEO Filters and Hooks for Developers

Settings 1. Filter to add/remove tabs in Rank Math Metabox. Use this filter to add new tabs into the Meta Box added by Rank Math below every post/page in WordPress Editor. /** * Al...
在路上的头像-THE FREE SKY在路上3月26日 03:18

Installing mod_cloudflare on cPanel

Installing mod_cloudflare on cPanel Here you’ll find an installer script that adds mod_cloudflare to your EasyApache build system included with cPanel servers. The Cloud...
ERIC.C的头像-THE FREE SKYERIC.C11月13日 17:40

How to configure Piwik for use with Cloudflare

Piwik works well behind all proxies, load balancers, which are used to make websites faster, secure and more resilient. If you wish to use Piwik on your server hosted behind Cloudf...
匿名的头像-THE FREE SKY匿名11月13日 17:39


这是应用中心的一个版权保护措施,由开发者选择是否开启。解决方法如下: 1、用记事本打:/source/ function/ 目录下的function_cloudaddons.php文件; 2、Ctrl + F查找cloudaddons_validator;...
哈姆雷特的头像-THE FREE SKY哈姆雷特10月17日 06:36