
10th-anniversary special sale (50% off)


Chevereto turns 10 and we want to celebrate this special occasion offering 50% discount in all out stand-alone licenses. That’s $34 for Core license and only $49 for Network license. This is a 24-hour limited offer, don’t miss it.


10 years baby!

In 2007, something very similar to the recent Photobucket ransomgate happened: ImageShack applied new traffic restrictions and my website got jeopardized due to broken images. I wasn’t alone, hundreds had the same problem and I was willing to do something about it.

I realized that situations like this will keep happening to everybody unless we self-host our own stuff. Chevereto was born with that in mind and the premise was always to say goodbye to closures and restrictions imposed by image hosting services.

Today, Chevereto is the most popular image hosting script in the world with more than 10,000 active websites. Hundreds of new image hosting services are being spawned every day thanks to Chevereto and no one is worrying about broken images.

Celebrating our 10th anniversary we have dropped prices 50% for all our licenses. This is a 24-hour offer, don’t miss it. Purchase now »

Thank you for all this,
Rodolfo Berrios

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文章名称:《10th-anniversary special sale (50% off)》

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