Work in the field

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Every year MSF sends around 2,500 international field workers to work alongside 25,000 locally hired staff in countries around the world to provide emergency medical assistance to people whose survival is threatened by armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care or natural disasters.
MSF-Hong Kong recruits field workers from:
Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam
Due to changes in operational priorities and corresponding vacancies in the field, MSF is looking for very specific language skills for some of its roles. Registered nurses, administration/financial coordinators, and human resources coordinators, should apply only where you can work effectively in both English and French (between levels B2 or above). There are other specialties however where that condition does not apply. 
MSF is intensifying surgical activities in the field, especially in conflict settings, and launching more programs focusing on mother-child and reproductive healthcare. The need for obstetricians/ gynaecologists, midwives, medical doctors, general surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists and operating theatre nurses has increased tremendously, and we very much welcome applicants from these profiles, regardless whether you are English speakers or French speakers.
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